Hola, teachers!
I’m sharing with you an activity about unit 2 AQA A-level El ciberespacio. Personally, I use it to introduce the unit. It’s a speaking activity but it can also be used as a writing one- with whiteboards, for example.
It tackles topics that we’ll address later on the unit so I like it to start with the unit. It’s about social media, the right age to have your first mobile phone, the access to internet…
Please leave a review if you download it :)
I hope you like it!
Perfect for students but also for teachers!!
For students:
Different modes to learn
Different modes to test
No need to sign in - no data from students
For teachers:
You can print vocabulary test from that website
You can play multiple games in class with them: the website offers quiz games, virtual breakout, randomiser wheel etc.
I´ll share with you a link to the flashcards and a presentation explaining how to make the most of them
**Resource designed to teach the conditional tenses to A-level students. **
To address this grammar point, we first show the grid to the students to learn
how to form the sentences
what they express
the translation in English
The second part of the activity includes a speaking exercises with mini-whiteboards. If you prefer to do it in a written way, it’s also fine.
This activity is focused on the 3rd conditional.
We show them some situations that happened in the past in different Hipanic countries and they tell us what they would have done.
These types of sentences are great for Paper 3 (speaking exam). If they have a card about a dictator, they can say what they would have done, for example.
It’s also great for Paper 2 (essays on novels or films). After doing the analysis, they can say what they would have done as the director or the author.
Infografía para explicar los 3 tipos de “Si-clauses” en español
Propuesta de actividad para practicar el 3r tipo y repasar temario de A-level
A listening activity to practise the listening skills. The main focus here is the grammar and the pronouns.
listening files
This is not from a past paper but it follows the same style.
Anyone else decorating the modern foreign language classroom?
You’ll find here a display I have used in the MFL classroom: 10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD LEARN SPANISH
In this resource you will see a list of 10 main reasons to encourage students to study Spanish. The display is in English.
If you print it in A3 it will look even better in a big classrom!
Perfect for GSCE and A-level classrooms!
Conditional sentences GCSE - Hacia un mundo mejor
12 sentences. Print and cut the 2 halves of the sentences and let them play.
Award 1 point for each good answer.
You can award another point for each sentence they translate.
A lesson plan to write a short text about the school. It is not designed based on the GCSE exam style questions. It won’ take the whole hour. I have used it for homework.
This resource was created to help my Y10 who have started studying Spanish this year. There are 4 steps proposed to guide the students.
The question covers these points:
Introducción: cómo te llamas y dónde vives
Dónde estudias
1 asignatura que te gusta y por qué
1 asignatura que no te gusta y por qué no
Tu profesor favorito y por qué
A qué hora empiezan las clases y a qué hora terminan.
Qué día es tu favorito y por qué
There is an alternative proposed for advanced students who may find the 40 worder too easy.
If you use it, let me know on Instagram! @hola_teachers
Juego para emparejar frases hechas con su significado en español. Es perfecto para la época de Navidad pero también se npuede usar en cualquier momento del año.
Este pdf contiene 12 tarjetas con frases hechas y los 12 significados
If you want an upgraded version with a grid for translating each idiom into English (and the answers) and also 12 sentences to see the idioms in context, you can find it as well on Tes.
This is a display for your MFL classroom. It is the word “CULTURA” and each letter is represented by one Spanish Speaking country: Cuba, Paraguay, Spain, Colombia, etc.
The letters are made of incredible pictures of cultural heritage from those countries. I have used it to create a “cultural corner” in my classroom.
Bingo cards and presentation to revise the near future in Spanish but also Christmas activities.
The presentation includes slides with pictures so that the students have to associate the picture with a sentence of their bingo card.
Suitable for KS3 and KS4.
A video to help the students write Spanish A-level essays. It includes the structure that the essay should have and the steps they should follow.
It was really useful for students in Y12 who didn’t know how to start writing the essays for A-level.
Useful for any essay titles: Volver, El laberinto del fauno, Cien años de soledad, etc.
Word document with a passage from “La sombra del viento” by Carlos Ruiz Zafón and 10 questions to ask the students. I have used this to prepare a student for an interview in Cambridge. This is not from an actual interview.
From what I have read online, in the interviews for Spanish degrees at Cambridge, students are provided with a passage of a novel/book in Spanish and they have to analyse it for 10/15 minutes. After that, there is a conversation in Spanish with the interviewers to discuss it.
I am using this with a student and I thought it could be useful for others. It’s good to put the students in that situation before the interview to see how they handle it and give them some advice.
I think it’s similar for Spanish degrees at Oxford but I am not 100% sure.
You’ll find different activities about holidays:
quick warm-ups with vocabulary
speaking games
prompts to create stories
an example of a short story about past holidays.
I find this useful for groups with A1/A2/ Year 7, 8 and even 9.
Hope you find it useful too! If you use it, share it with me on Instagram :) @hola_teachers
Encontrarás actividades sobre las vacaciones: actividades para empezar con vocabulario, juegos de speaking, ayudas y ejemplos para crear historias y un ejemplo de una historieta corta sobre vacaciones. Es útil para principiantes y niveles bajos como Year 7- 8 e incluso 9.
¡Espero que tu también lo encuentres útil!
Hi there!
I’ve posted a series of icebreakers for the first days on my Instagram @hola_teachers. One of them is this one: ¿ESTÁS DE ACUERDO?
The game consists in showing the students some statements and they tell us if they agree or not. If they do, they move to one side of the classroom. If not, they move to the other side. Once they answer, we prompt discussion and ask further questions.
In this case, I have introduced some statements that can help me to explain some of the classroom rules. For example, “I’m addicted to my phone”. After doing that sentence, I make clear when we use the phones in the classroom. Similarly, “I have the fear of speaking in public”. It’s a good way to tell them how important communication is in the MFL classroom.
These are the ones I’m going to use this year. Hope you find it useful :)
Hi there!
This is just a visual and simple infographic about the types of If clauses in English. I have used it in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom but also in the MFL classroom. Even when teaching Spanish, it’s good to review this in English first.
Hope you use it :)
This is a presentation to explain the imperfect and the preterite tense in Spanish. It can be used with GCSE and A-level groups. It includes:
uses of each tense (explanation in English)
examples and reasons why each tense is used
grids with the formation of these tenses - including irregular verbs
4 activities (2 for the imperfect, 2 for the preterite). 2 of them are aimed at GCSE learners/beginners and 2 are aimed at !-level students or advanced.
Use them as cue cards as well! Print 4 of them per sheet and keep it in your classroom. If a student struggles with the tenses, pass it to them to help them!
Hope you find it useful :) Follow me on Instagram: @hola_teachers
Bingo to practice the past in Spanish.
The bingo cards include different actions in the past. First, review he vocabulary with the students. Then, give them the boards and start playing.
bingo boards
bingo cards with all the options + instructions to play
Designed for GCSE Year 7, year 8 and year 9 / Low levels (A1 - A2)
Ficha practicar el pasado en español.
cartones de bingo
los papelitos con todas las opciones para poder jugar + instrucciones
¿Cómo jugar?
Cada alumno tiene un cartón de bingo.
El alumno elige y marca sus respuestas.
Todos los papelitos cuadrados con las posibles respuestas se recortan y se mezclan.
Algún voluntario (o la profesora) coge un papelito y lo lee en voz alta.
Cada alumno va tachando en su cartón de bingo.
La profesora aprovecha para ir hacerles preguntas sobre el tema.
El alumno/alumna que cante primero ¡Bingo! gana.Cómo jugar?
Diseñado para cursos de GCSE / Niveles bajos (A1-A2)
This is a digital product- a pdf file